The Importance of Space Clearing Podcast

The Importance of Space Clearing Podcast

A podcast for Starseeds with practical energetic cleansing techniques for space clearing your home and your accommodation when you travel.

Starseeds are generally sensitive to subtle changes in the energetics of a space, and specifically to low vibe energy. While introducing energetic protection into your home/space is important, so too is clearing and cleansing the space energetically. In this podcast I share why and how this can be done, with some practical tips. This includes what to do if your smoke alarms are too sensitive for burning incense, and options for when you are travelling. An important part of Spiritual Hygiene!

This podcast came about after a client shared how she had experienced energetic interference on holiday, despite having set up her usual layers of various energetic protection. When I check on if she has energetically cleansed their hotel room before implementing the energetic protection, the penny dropped (so to speak). She said it make complete sense and so I thought I’d put together some of the techniques I currently have as tools in my spiritual toolkit. We can all learn from each other I hope at least one of the techniques I share will inspire you!

This track is recorded and spoken by Liz Findlay.
Video version on YouTube, Audio version on SoundCloud and Insight Timer. See direct play options below with embedded players.

Further Support:

Here are two tracks mentioned in the podcast:

Morning Track: Higher Light Decree: Invoking Energetic Protection

Night Time Track: Higher Light Decree: Dream State Protection

YouTube – The Importance of Space Clearing

SoundCloud – The Importance of Space Clearing

Liz Findlay Healing · The Importance of Space Clearing – Podcast

Music on YouTube Video Version:

Intro Track with title image:
“6021” purchased from Nadeem on Fiverr. Liz Findlay holds permission as the licensee to use this as a background track on all platforms.

Starseeds & Imposter Syndrome Podcast

Starseeds & Imposter Syndrome Podcast

A podcast to support Starseeds through any fear or anxiety about their Soul Mission.

Starseeds incarnate with a Soul Mission to help raise the vibrations on this Earth plane. We are here with specific roles to play with the Ascension process of this planet from 3D to 5D. When arriving on this planet, we pass through The Veil of Forgetfulness. This means we cannot remember all of the wonderful gifts and talents we have to carry out our Soul Mission. This can contribute to Imposter Syndrome as we feel anxiety or even fear along the path. In this video I share some of my own stories, as well as some thoughts to consider to help you transcend Imposter Syndrome. Know that you have many 100’s of lifetimes of experience and you are the right Starseed for the job!

This track is recorded and spoken by Liz Findlay.
Video version on YouTube, Audio version on SoundCloud. See direct play options below.

Further Support:

Many Starseeds find that blocks and interference in their Throat chakra can work as a sort of roadblock on their Soul Mission / Soul Path. I have a track that can assist in this area and it is called “Throat Chakra Clearing and Activating Meditation”. It is available to listen for FREE on YouTube, SoundCloud and Insight Timer. Find all links HERE.

YouTube – Starseeds & Imposter Syndrome

SoundCloud – Starseeds & Imposter Syndrome

Liz Findlay Healing · Starseeds & Imposter Syndrome

Music on YouTube Video Version:

Intro Track with title image:
“6021” purchased from Nadeem on Fiverr. Liz Findlay holds permission as the licensee to use this as a background track on all platforms.