A YouTube video with some hints and tips on how to choose the right pendulum for you, and what to look out for.
Whether you’re choosing it in a shop or online, there are ways to ensure you get the one that resonates the most with you. In this video “How to Choose the Right Pendulum for YOU!”, I show some examples from my collection of pendulums and also show you a couple of ways of how to hold them. Scroll down to the bottom for the YouTube video!
I also share one of my favourite online shops and so here are links to both websites by the same company:
BAJ Pendulums UK site
BAJ Pendulums EU site (manuals available for purchase)
Using a pendulum as a dowsing tool can be very handy and so do see below if you’re interested in learning more.
Further Support:
If you are interested in learning more about pendulums, such as programming them to get a yes/no answer, how to cleanse and recharge them, how to prepare yourself for working with a pendulum, as well as how to use a basic numbers chart, then do check out the Events page on my website for my next “Pendulum Essentials” Webinar.
Numbers charts are great for determining percentage benefit when a decision needs to be made. I always check the percentage benefit of a few date options before I schedule each webinar to see which has the highest benefit for me and all those who will be attending. Numbers charts are also a fabulous tool for checking chakra functioning. It’s a lot more accurate than holding one’s hands over a chakra and sensing the general flow of energy. It also gives a good picture of how the whole chakra system is doing, showing where any energy might be pooling or creating a sort of bottleneck.
Intro Soundtrack with Pendulum Image:
Liz Findlay holds permission as the licensee to use this as a background track on all platforms. Title “6021” purchased from Nadeem.
YouTube: How to Choose the Right Pendulum for YOU!