Pain Relief Transmission

Pain Relief Transmission

A track for all Starseeds and Lightworkers to assist with pain relief in the physical body.

Scroll down for options to listen to this Pain Relief Transmission on YouTube and SoundCloud directly from this blog.

Starseeds are often very empathic and sensitive souls, and can absorb energies and influences from this 3D world that potentially manifest in pain in the physical body. This Transmission has been crafted by Steve Nobel & Liz Findlay to help release the energetic factors at play that impact upon or amplify the body’s experience of pain, aiding in pain relief.

This transmission focuses on a specific area of priority. We then invoke your Body Consciousness to release all energy there that does not belong to you, releasing programmes and blocks related to pain and suffering from your bloodlines/ancestral lines, as well as from this lifetime. All perceived benefits to creating pain and suffering are then cleared.

We invoke the vibrations of a specific Solfeggio Frequency that has been linked to pain reduction. That frequency is also infused in the background music track by Katie Jane of VibroSound Healing. Activating Planetary and Galactic Assistance, we infuse the area of pain with the energetic vibrations of relevant essences and remedies, while also bringing healing vibrations to your central nervous system. There is a process of realigning all energetic systems within your body, followed by realigning your energy fields with your physical body. As always, the processes are guided by your Higher Selves while 6 Archangels hold the space for you.

This track is recorded and spoken by Liz Findlay and Steve Nobel.
Video version on YouTube, Audio version on SoundCloud and Insight Timer.

If you would like to download this track onto your device to be able to play it without an internet connection, then please click the down arrow at the top right-hand side of the SoundCloud window (below the YouTube window).

Background Soundtrack

This Transmission has the background soundtrack called “174Hz Pain Relief & Relaxation” by Katie Jane of VibroSound Healing. Katie Jane has given Liz Findlay & Steve Nobel special permission to use this track for this meditation across all platforms. Katie says “The 174 Hz frequency is known for its ability to relieve pain and promote deep relaxation. As you listen, imagine the cleansing energy of the ocean washing over you, removing stored pain and trauma from your body and mind. The soothing sounds of water and gentle synthesizers create a serene environment, allowing you to release discomfort and find a state of peace. Expect to feel a deep sense of cleansing and renewal, leaving you open and safe to be in the world once more.”

Further Support

Some Starseeds find self-care begin to slip when they are feeling pain, and this often begins with focus shifting away from energetic protection. During times when we don’t feel our optimal self, it is very important that we still maintain some focus on energetic protection to prevent further influences from affecting us further. I have created two tracks to assist with this for times when you don’t feel like thinking too much and would rather be guided. One track is for the morning to start your day, and the other track is for the night time to set up a protected space for sleep.
Higher Light Decree: Invoking Energetic Protection
Higher Light Decree: Dream State Protection


YouTube – Pain Relief Transmission

SoundCloud – Pain Relief Transmission

Liz Findlay Healing · Pain Relief Transmission


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Throat Chakra Clearing and Activating Meditation

Throat Chakra Clearing and Activating Meditation

A track for all Starseeds and Lightworkers for Throat Chakra support.

This meditation helps with clearing all outdated vows and agreements that are in any way interfering with, restricting or blocking your Throat chakra. It also helps with clearing any cords with groups or individuals seeking to interfere with, restrict or block your Throat chakra. There is a process for rebalancing, and invoking a new vow to hear Divine guidance, to open to your intuition, to speak your truth, and to express yourself creatively. As always, the processes are guided by your Higher Self while 6 Archangels hold the space for you.

This track is recorded and spoken by Liz Findlay.
Video version on YouTube, Audio version on SoundCloud and Insight Timer.

If you would like to download this track onto your device to be able to play it without an internet connection, then please click the down arrow at the top right-hand side of the SoundCloud window (below the YouTube window).

Background Soundtrack

This meditation has a background soundtrack of “528hz – Vibrate With Oneness” by Katie Jane at VibroSound Healing. Katie Jane has given Liz Findlay special permission to use this track for this meditation across all platforms. This track has a healing intention to take you on a journey to completely let go of your mind, your body and to drift out into the vastness of space – finding yourself floating in the eternal love of Source Consciousness. The track is tuned to the Solfeggio Frequency of 528hz, with an emphasis on coming into the Heart Space and feeling safe, nurtured, with a sense of deep relaxation and calmness as your brainwaves slow into Delta brainwave state.

Further Support

I find that most energetic interference in my Throat chakra has come when I’ve not had sufficient protection within and around my energy fields. This has made my Throat Chakra, and other chakras, more susceptible to psychic attack as well as receiving negative/low vibe cords. I noticed a huge reduction in interference when I started using a grounding and protecting visualisation every single morning. Here is a track if you are looking for inspiration to start your day, and it is less than 15 minutes:
Higher Light Decree: Invoking Energetic Protection

YouTube – Throat Chakra Clearing and Activating Meditation

SoundCloud – Throat Chakra Clearing and Activating Meditation

Liz Findlay Healing · Throat Chakra Clearing and Activating Meditation

Higher Light Decree: Invoking Energetic Protection

Higher Light Decree: Invoking Energetic Protection

A track for all Starseeds and Lightworkers to bring grounding and protecting into their morning routine.

This Higher Light Decree for invoking energetic protection is designed to help you start your day and is a quicker pace than a regular meditation. It is more of a declaration so it is not essential to visualise everything that is invoked. We clear interference, ground your energy, utilise various layers of energetic protection around your energy fields, as well as neutralise lower vibrational energy coming through the electronic devices you come into contact with and use. We do this by calling on the assistance of your Higher Self, your Team In Spirit, and Source. Know that the term “Source” is interchangeable with “Spirit”, “The Universe”, “All That Is”, “Prime Creator”, or any other term that resonates with you as the most high.

If you would like to download this track onto your device to be able to play it without an internet connection, then please click the down arrow at the top right-hand side of the SoundCloud window.

This track is recorded and spoken by Liz Findlay. The audio version of this meditation is also available to listen to on Insight Timer.

Background Soundtrack for Invoking Energetic Protection:

The fabulous upbeat music, perfect for a decree, is titled “Togetherness” and composed by Chris Collins on Indie Music Box ( Liz Findlay holds permission as the licensee to use this as a background track on all platforms.

Further Support on the topic of Invoking Energetic Protection:

This Higher Light Decree is one of many tools you can use and so if you would like to hear more, listen to this podcast where Marysol Ximenez-Carrillo interviews Liz Findlay on “Energetic Protection for Starseeds & Lightworkers”: Podcast



Liz Findlay Healing · Higher Light Decree: Invoking Energetic Protection

The Entrepreneur’s Meditation

The Entrepreneur’s Meditation

A meditation for all Starseeds and Lightworkers on the entrepreneur’s journey in business.

The Entrepreneur’s Meditation is centred around activating the highest timeline of your business to ensure your trajectory is in this direction. We do this by entering the inner planes to view all possible timelines, calling on your Higher Self and Team in Spirit to seal off all but the highest timeline. You’re also guided through releasing all lower vibrational connections that could be affecting your business now, followed by amplifying all positive connections and opportunities. This meditation is ideal for all Lightworkers and Starseeds who already have their own business, or are thinking of starting one.

If you would like to download this track onto your device to be able to play it without an internet connection, then please click the down arrow at the top right-hand side of the SoundCloud window below (under the YouTube window). You can also click here to listen on Insight Timer.

Background Soundtrack for The Entrepreneur’s Meditation:

The beautiful music in this meditation is called “Jupiter, Gold, Abundance” composed by Katie Jane at VibroSound Healing. Katie Jane has given Liz Findlay special permission to use this track for this meditation across all platforms.

Further Support on the Entrepreneur’s Journey:

If you’re a Starseed or Lightworker on the entrepreneur’s journey, you might be interested in attending Starseed Business Networking meetings hosted by Liz Findlay and Steve Nobel. See the Events page here for when the next meeting is: Events

Business Networking Tips:

Here are two videos with great tips for those who are interested in joining one of our Starseed Business Networking meetings. They contain helpful hints on what to prepare to make the most of your time in the breakout rooms.
Networking Hints & Tips for Starseed Business Networking
Elevator Pitch Hints & Tips for Starseed Business Networking



Liz Findlay Healing · The Entrepreneur’s Meditation – with Liz Findlay