Pain Relief Transmission

Pain Relief Transmission

A track for all Starseeds and Lightworkers to assist with pain relief in the physical body.

Scroll down for options to listen to this Pain Relief Transmission on YouTube and SoundCloud directly from this blog.

Starseeds are often very empathic and sensitive souls, and can absorb energies and influences from this 3D world that potentially manifest in pain in the physical body. This Transmission has been crafted by Steve Nobel & Liz Findlay to help release the energetic factors at play that impact upon or amplify the body’s experience of pain, aiding in pain relief.

This transmission focuses on a specific area of priority. We then invoke your Body Consciousness to release all energy there that does not belong to you, releasing programmes and blocks related to pain and suffering from your bloodlines/ancestral lines, as well as from this lifetime. All perceived benefits to creating pain and suffering are then cleared.

We invoke the vibrations of a specific Solfeggio Frequency that has been linked to pain reduction. That frequency is also infused in the background music track by Katie Jane of VibroSound Healing. Activating Planetary and Galactic Assistance, we infuse the area of pain with the energetic vibrations of relevant essences and remedies, while also bringing healing vibrations to your central nervous system. There is a process of realigning all energetic systems within your body, followed by realigning your energy fields with your physical body. As always, the processes are guided by your Higher Selves while 6 Archangels hold the space for you.

This track is recorded and spoken by Liz Findlay and Steve Nobel.
Video version on YouTube, Audio version on SoundCloud and Insight Timer.

If you would like to download this track onto your device to be able to play it without an internet connection, then please click the down arrow at the top right-hand side of the SoundCloud window (below the YouTube window).

Background Soundtrack

This Transmission has the background soundtrack called “174Hz Pain Relief & Relaxation” by Katie Jane of VibroSound Healing. Katie Jane has given Liz Findlay & Steve Nobel special permission to use this track for this meditation across all platforms. Katie says “The 174 Hz frequency is known for its ability to relieve pain and promote deep relaxation. As you listen, imagine the cleansing energy of the ocean washing over you, removing stored pain and trauma from your body and mind. The soothing sounds of water and gentle synthesizers create a serene environment, allowing you to release discomfort and find a state of peace. Expect to feel a deep sense of cleansing and renewal, leaving you open and safe to be in the world once more.”

Further Support

Some Starseeds find self-care begin to slip when they are feeling pain, and this often begins with focus shifting away from energetic protection. During times when we don’t feel our optimal self, it is very important that we still maintain some focus on energetic protection to prevent further influences from affecting us further. I have created two tracks to assist with this for times when you don’t feel like thinking too much and would rather be guided. One track is for the morning to start your day, and the other track is for the night time to set up a protected space for sleep.
Higher Light Decree: Invoking Energetic Protection
Higher Light Decree: Dream State Protection


YouTube – Pain Relief Transmission

SoundCloud – Pain Relief Transmission

Liz Findlay Healing · Pain Relief Transmission


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Angels, Positivity & Love

My Guest Interview on Michael André Ford’s podcast called “Angels, Positivity & Love”.

“Angels, Positivity & Love” is available to watch for free on YouTube and you can click play in the window below…

About this episode:

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Michael André Ford on his podcast “Angels, Positivity & Love. I share some personal experiences with Angels, including avoiding what could have been a serious car accident. I also share how important it has been to me to let go of how other people experience Angels, and focus on how they manifest in my life. Not everybody sees a bright glowing being right in front of them! Michael is known for blowing Sage into his computer screen during his podcasts for viewers to take a moment to receive what comes their way energetically across time and space.

Connect with Liz Findlay:

Website – for more info and to book a Healing/Clearing Session
YouTube Channel – for meditations and podcasts
Instagram – to follow on social media

Connect with Michael André Ford:

Website – for healings with angels and to see high vibrational beings
YouTube Channel – for his podcast “Angels, Positivity & Love”
Instagram – to follow on social media

What Michael says about his Podcast:

“Welcome to a unique show. Amazing guests. Incredible insights. And Angels!
Enjoy meeting Healers, Actors, Directors, Show Hosts, Bestselling Authors, Doctors …
These guests share select life experiences, lessons learned along the way, their gifts and how they help others. Also, many take gentle steps with Angels on-air.
The latter is not a must to be on the show though Michael at least wafts lit sage smoke to wherever the guest is in the world. Smell sage through 2 screens. Why not!?
If there are no limits in life, then maybe there really are no limits.
We talk Life, the Universe, Angels and how everyone can
walk a smoother path to be more Compassion, Kindness & Love.
Every one of us on this planet is a special vibration with a unique life path.
Each of us can tap our heart daily to enjoy more growth and expansion in life.
So, sit back, relax, and get ready to be inspired and uplifted.
In the big picture, Love is what shows us life in different colors.
Thank you for joining us.”

Throat Chakra Clearing and Activating Meditation

Throat Chakra Clearing and Activating Meditation

A track for all Starseeds and Lightworkers for Throat Chakra support.

This meditation helps with clearing all outdated vows and agreements that are in any way interfering with, restricting or blocking your Throat chakra. It also helps with clearing any cords with groups or individuals seeking to interfere with, restrict or block your Throat chakra. There is a process for rebalancing, and invoking a new vow to hear Divine guidance, to open to your intuition, to speak your truth, and to express yourself creatively. As always, the processes are guided by your Higher Self while 6 Archangels hold the space for you.

This track is recorded and spoken by Liz Findlay.
Video version on YouTube, Audio version on SoundCloud and Insight Timer.

If you would like to download this track onto your device to be able to play it without an internet connection, then please click the down arrow at the top right-hand side of the SoundCloud window (below the YouTube window).

Background Soundtrack

This meditation has a background soundtrack of “528hz – Vibrate With Oneness” by Katie Jane at VibroSound Healing. Katie Jane has given Liz Findlay special permission to use this track for this meditation across all platforms. This track has a healing intention to take you on a journey to completely let go of your mind, your body and to drift out into the vastness of space – finding yourself floating in the eternal love of Source Consciousness. The track is tuned to the Solfeggio Frequency of 528hz, with an emphasis on coming into the Heart Space and feeling safe, nurtured, with a sense of deep relaxation and calmness as your brainwaves slow into Delta brainwave state.

Further Support

I find that most energetic interference in my Throat chakra has come when I’ve not had sufficient protection within and around my energy fields. This has made my Throat Chakra, and other chakras, more susceptible to psychic attack as well as receiving negative/low vibe cords. I noticed a huge reduction in interference when I started using a grounding and protecting visualisation every single morning. Here is a track if you are looking for inspiration to start your day, and it is less than 15 minutes:
Higher Light Decree: Invoking Energetic Protection

YouTube – Throat Chakra Clearing and Activating Meditation

SoundCloud – Throat Chakra Clearing and Activating Meditation

Liz Findlay Healing · Throat Chakra Clearing and Activating Meditation

Express Morning Grounding & Protecting Meditation

Start your day with this Grounding & Protecting meditation that you can listen to on YouTube or SoundCloud below.

A short track that can easily be integrated into your morning routine to help set you up for a better day. Grounding is so important for us to be able to stay centred throughout our day, helping us to better manage our energy levels. In this meditation, we anchor into the Earth’s crystalline core and draw this energy up into the body for stability. Energetic protection is essential to make sure you retain your own energy, be less susceptible to energetic interference, as well as provide a barrier to potential energetic attacks. We call on Archangel Michael to bring his Electric Blue Fire of protection as well as his swords to guard your energy fields, keeping you safe for the day ahead.

If you would like to download this track onto your device to be able to play it without an internet connection, then please click the down arrow at the top right-hand side of the SoundCloud window.

This track is recorded and spoken by Liz Findlay. The audio version of this meditation is also available to listen to on Insight Timer.

Background soundtrack:

The background music track for this meditation was composed by Ajit Deshpande with the track title: “Body Rituals”. Commercial Rights License held by Liz Findlay to you this track on all platforms.

Further Support – Podcast:

If you like this track, then you might like this podcast on how to ground your body: 8 Tips For Grounding. Grounding your body can help you both physically and mentally, leading to a boosted immune system and better quality of life. So, I’m offering you my favourite of the tips I’ve tried and integrated into my wellbeing routine.

A Morning Meditation for Kids:

If you like this track and you’re a parent of young children, then you might like this meditation to help them to ground and protect their own energy fields. Specifically helpful for Crystal Children, Rainbow and Star Children: The Crystal Egg – Morning Meditation for Kids



Liz Findlay Healing · Express Grounding & Protecting Morning Meditation (Remastered) with Liz Findlay (audio File)

#grounding #ground #protect #protection #protecting #groundandprotect #5Dgrid #angels #aura #auraprotection #earthing #energeticprotection #energeticsupport #energy #energyfield #energyfields #meditation #morning #morningmeditation

Beyond Loneliness Meditation

Move beyond the illusion of loneliness on this 3D Earth plane with this loving and supportive meditation.

Listen to this meditation in YouTube or SoundCloud below.

Feel free to listen to this track curled up in the foetal position on your bed, or sitting comfortably in a chair.

This meditation was inspired by the extended lockdown within the UK and many other countries throughout the world in 2021. Many people are still being kept apart from their loved ones on the 3D Earth plane. So we use this meditation to offer you support from your energetic loved ones who can safely enter your room.

The background music incorporates the Violet Flame singing bowl, and so we especially call on this energy as it cleanses, delivers rapid positive change and aids in emotional healing. We also call to Archangel Chamuel, the angel of unconditional love, to come forward with a gift for your Heart Chakra. Your soul family, guides, angels and other members of your energetic support team in Spirit step forward as you feel held within their love and support. For those of you who have companion animals in Spirit, they too may come and join you, offering their love and support.

Background sound track:

The beautiful background music track has been written by Katie Jane of VibroSound Healing and this is what she has to say about it: “This track is designed to induce deep states of relaxation, promoting sleep. The intention & frequencies used are to clear the body through the use of the Violet Flame bowl. The Venusian energies are to support releasing blockages in the heart chakra, allowing for you to be open to the abundant flow of giving and receiving love. This track is simple and sparse in its musicality, thus allowing the body to deeply relax to the repetitive nature & letting the mind slow to an almost sleeping state.”

If you would like to download this track onto your device to be able to play it without an internet connection, then please click the down arrow at the top right-hand side of the SoundCloud window.

Wishing you a peaceful day ahead and know that you are a multidimensional spiritual being, who is loved by The Universe!

Further support:

If you liked this track then you might find further support from this podcast: 8 Tips For Grounding and this other meditation: Express Morning Grounding & Protecting



Liz Findlay Healing · Beyond Loneliness Meditation with Liz Findlay

#meditation #loneliness #lonely #angels #archangels #violetflame #unconditionallove #soulfamily #guides #energeticsupport #singingbowl #energeticprotection #love